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Join our Partner agent network.

The eNaira Partner Agents framework enables collaboration between the CBN and experienced corporate entities in customer acquisition. These partners are instrumental in sensitizing and onboarding customers to the eNaira platform, fostering adoption and promoting financial literacy.

List of Accredited Partner Agents

Basic Guidelines for eNaira Partner Agent.

Eligible partner agents will receive a comprehensive agreement that outlines the necessary details, rights, and obligations. This agreement ensures clarity and sets the foundation for a successful partnership with the eNaira.

To access the partner agent dashboard, partner agents need to create a merchant or mini-merchant wallet. This will enable them to effectively manage their activities and access important information related to their role as partner agents.

The merchant wallet alias serves as the partner agents’ referral ID. Partner agents can share their wallet generated referral link to easily invite new users to onboard. A USSD referral code is assigned to each partner agent for USSD onboarding.

Partner agents have convenient access to their activity reports and the ability to download detailed information directly from the eNaira Agent portal within their wallets. This allows for easy monitoring and tracking of their activities


Incentives for Partners Agents

For each user who successfully signs up through the partner agent and completes a minimum of three (3) transactions within three months, a total of N90 will be paid.

Role of the Partner Agents


Hold sensitisation and knowledge sharing sessions with their agents and users.

Onboarding and Activation

Partner agents are expected to utilize their referral codes to onboard individuals and merchants, fostering a transactional ecosystem within their specific region of focus.


Partner agents are required to submit monthly reports, using a provided template, on their sensitisation and onboarding activities.


Partner agents are encouraged to provide feedback on challenges faced, lessons learned, and suggestions for improvement in order to enhance the eNaira program.

Role of the Central Bank

Capacity Development and Knowledge Transfer

Organise knowledge transfer and training sessions for partner agents on eNaira.


Provide Technical, Helpdesk, Structure, Promotional support including;

  • CBN Staff to attend agent events
  • Provision of brand collaterals and promotional materials.
  • APIs for onboarding and transactions
  • Issues resolution and other technical assistance


Payments of incentives earned commission for onboarding users.mon

Partner Agent’s Planning and Evaluation Criteria

To become an eNaira partner agent, you should be aware of the quarterly onboarding targets, geographic coverage, and user segments. Strategies like activation events and partnerships will be used to achieve targets, and timelines will be set to monitor progress. The CBN provides support, including branding materials and technical assistance. Make sure to understand the conflict resolution and termination framework outlined in the agreement.


eNaira partner agents have quarterly onboarding targets to acquire new users and promote eNaira adoption. Agents engage in marketing activities to achieve these targets and expand the user base.


The scope of the eNaira partner agent program includes targeting specific geographic coverage such as different states and reaching out to various user segments. This includes engaging with both banked and unbanked individuals, trade associations, schools, and other relevant segments.


As an eNaira partner agent, employ effective strategies such as activation events, partnerships, and webinars to achieve onboarding targets and promote the eNaira's adoption.


Timelines are an essential aspect of the eNaira partner agent program, providing a clear roadmap for achieving quarterly onboarding targets. Partner agents should closely adhere to these timelines to effectively manage their activities.


As an eNaira partner agent, you will receive support from the CBN, which includes branding materials, facilitators, technical assistance etc.

Conflict Resolution and Termination

It is important to understand the conflict resolution and termination framework in the agreement, which guides conflict resolution and termination procedures.